My History
I am Reginald Ryder, Founder of Thriving Life Coaching (TLC). I'm a Higher Education professional with over 30 years of experience. I have served in various student services positions at public, private colleges and have worked at private independent schools.
Ball State University - Bachelor of Science Political Science
James Madison University - Masters of Education Counseling Psychology (College Student Personnel Admin.)
2U - Principal Student Success Coach - The University of Southern California Divison of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy DPT Hybrid Program**
Northern Virginia Community College Adjunct Faculty- SDV 100 * College Success Skills**
Highland School Director of Guidance
Westtown School Assistant Dean of Students
Cornell University Director of Multicultural Student Services
Allegheny College Director of Multicultural Affairs
Butler University Assistant Director of Admissions
Ball State University Admissions Counselor
**Current roles
​Published Book Summer 2020
Author, Passing The Baton: A Guide and Memoir of College Success
My Story
As a first-generation college student, with the help of many and applying skills I learned, I figured out how to become a productive student. As an administrator, Students like myself had great ability but were not always successful. Students tend to slip through the cracks. The principles and skills of Thriving Life Coaching (TLC) are based on what I used as an undergraduate and graduate student. I instilled this in my own children. With the rising cost of education, it was important to get a return on their investment.
As I began coaching students, I understood student's situations and "coach" them from chaos to completion. They established better habits and successfully graduated. Word of mouth spread, and students sought me out, "because I made a difference." Their grit and my commitment were the game changers. I have countless success stories.
TLC will reshape everyday students' experience in school. My partnership begins with empathy. I have been there. I understand College Student Development Theory, meeting their ever-changing needs. TLC provides the proper balance of challenge and support. TLC helps students by being an accountability partner as they learn from their successes and failures, developing repeatable good habits. ​​